Online Dieting

An online dieting program which promises big weight loss results in record time has raised suspicions and resulted in a possible class action lawsuit.

The Kimkins diet promises large weight loss quickly, but some former dieters think it may be dangerous.
(ABC News)

Members of the suit want the Kimkins diet Web site taken down, but the page remains online.

"People want a miracle remedy, and unfortunately the Internet is an avenue where the worst people in our community can take advantage of the most vulnerable," said attorney John Tiedt, who filed the suit. "This is by far not the only fraudulent diet program in the United States -- there are many, many more."

The diet's promise of losing large amounts of weight proved too much to resist for one woman looking to slim down.

She was so pleased with her results, one woman decided to go and work for the company. But like other alleged victims, she said began experiencing alarming side affects.

"I was taken to the emergency room for chest pains," she said. "I experienced hair loss. My menstrual cycle stopped."

After raising concerns about the diet's safety, d she was fired. Skeptical members hired a private investigator to dig deeper into Kimkins and learned some of the Web site's testimonials were fake.

They also discovered that the Kimmer, the woman behind the site, actually was a woman who didn't resemble her super slender online picture, which actually was take from a Russian mail order bride Web site. She claimed to have lost 198 pounds in just five months.

The above is an excerpt from

Excerpt from their website;

Kimkins is low carb, low calorie with no fiber or sugar alcohol subtraction to quickly shed excess pounds.

This is especially helpful for members with mobility problems due to morbid obesity or diabetics who desire to reduce or eliminate diabetes meds, as many of our type 2 members have.

The nutritional focus for Kimkins is non-fatty protein with very low carb veggies and creates a thermogenic dynamo! Some members may prefer our Boot Camp or protein shake options, too.

Some members do their own research and decide to take additional supplements. We encourage you to consult with your doctor to determine your personal needs. The Kimkins diet only requires basic protein and veggies you'll find at your local market. Pure and simple. No pills, powders or gadgets required!

You'll receive the Kimkins diet and food lists, outstanding community support forums, fun weight loss challenge groups, recipes, sample menus, newsletters, online personal journal and direct access to Kimmer, the creator of Kimkins. No other popular diet allows direct access to the founder.

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  1. Barbara B said... - an internet diet site - is owned by a woman named Heidi Diaz, who claimed she lost 198 lbs in 11 months and kept it off for 5 years. Pictures taken by a private investigator show this to be a fraudulent claim by a woman who is over 300 lbs. She used false after pictures which she stole off the internet from Russian Mail Order Bride sites. She encourages those on her plan to go lower and lower in calories, and postings of fitday entries of her members show many doing less than 500 calories per day. This is a dangerous VLCD, low in essential fats and nutrients. Many have reported health issues from following this dangerous plan. She charges a lifetime membership fee (currently $79.95 payable by check, money order, or credit cards), yet has BANNED members from the site who asked questions about the diet that concerned them. The diet is dangerous, the woman is a scam artist, the lifetime membership guarantee has been broken time and time again. There is a class action lawsuit against her by people who paid for the membership and later were banned. The lawsuit is being handled by lawyer John Tiedt.

    Barbara B