
Sensa Sprinkle Diet
Sensa Sprinkle Diet
Sensa, a supplement that claims to be proven to help you lose weight, is sprinkled on food.
(ABC News)
Sensa, a supplement that claims to be proven to help you lose weight, is sprinkled on food.
(ABC News)

Dr. Alan Hirsch, a neurologist and psychiatrist, has invented food flakes made of assorted salty and sweet flavorings and minerals, from maltodextrin to silica. Sprinkle them on everything you eat and, he said, they enhance the flavor of your food, making you feel full faster and stop eating sooner.

He has been promoting this idea for years. Back in 2004, his product was called Sprinkle Thin and the ads made bold weight loss claims, such as "clinically proven to help lose weight."

Sprinkle Thin was not long for the market and went out of business in 2005. Six weeks ago, Hirsch presented the results from his study on Sensa sprinkles at the prestigious Endocrine Society's annual meeting. Among the findings of a 1,500-person study was an average weight loss of 30 pounds over six months--

Zantrex 3 Advanced Fat Burner
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  1. DRC said...

    I was skeptical about this product when I started it two weeks ago, but it's totally won me over. Once you make it a habit, you realize how much food you eat at any given sitting, and then realize how much of it you don't need. I, like many others out there, am programed to finish my plate, and to eat until your full. This is the primary reason why we have a weight issue in the US. We eat more than we need, and if we eat sensible portions, we feel unsatisfied. Sensa helps with that by making it easy to say no to the rest of your plate. I feel bad for wasting food, but it works.

  2. ladykwak said...

    I liked Sensa and I was won over after reading a bunch of stuff at a blog called

    If it was not for the even handed reviews I would not have ever purchased the stuff.

    Sensa will work, but you need to work at it also.

  3. Anonymous said...

    Sensa does help you eat less. However you still have to excerise regularly in order to lose weight.